Stewards of the earth!

More than 60 people braved the snow and cold to attend Sunday night’s Community Conversation, Stewards of the Earth: Realities, Responsibilities and Opportunities, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church featuring Bill Middlecamp.

In his presentation, Middlecamp discussed how science and faith intersect in his life. He says his faith calls him to love his neighbor, which he takes to mean to live his life in a way to do no harm to others. 

Participant questions ranged from electric cars (he’s had one for seven years) to climate change, specifically how it relates to the Midwest. His presentation included a clip called “Global Weirding,” which talks about climate change in the Midwest. Watch it here.

Wish you could have been there? We’re working on posting both a recording of the event and a list of resources. New Prague Community Action Network has chosen to emphasize environmental issues in 2019 — please watch for our meeting schedule. Have ideas? Please let us know. Email