2017-2018 NPCAN Meeting Schedule

Meetings have been scheduled for the remainder of 2017, through May 2018, however we are in the process of revisiting the schedule to better suit the needs of our members. 

Each of the following meetings will be held from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in New Prague.

2nd Thursday Meetings:  Speakers, Trainings, Roundtable Issue Discussions, etc.
November 9
December 14
January 11
March 8
April 12
May 10

4th Sunday Meetings:  General Meeting (Committee/Business/Board Meetings)
CANCELLED January 28 – General All-Member Meeting
February 25 – Committees Only (to be confirmed)
March 25 – Committees Only (to be confirmed)
April 22 – General All-Member Meeting
May 20th – Committees Only (to be confirmed) (3rd Sunday due to Memorial Day weekend)

Details about each meeting will be posted prior to the specific meeting.  

NPCAN Board of Director meetings are held on an as-needed basis, and at least annually.       

Contact NPCAN at info@npcan.org for more information about upcoming meetings.