Everyone loves a parade!

Kindness and NPCAN were both winners at New Prague’s Dozinky Days. The group participated in its first parade, handing out candy, stickers, sidewalk chalk and fliers promoting its upcoming Acts of Kindness days, Sept. 22-24. 

We had a strong showing, and can’t wait to have an even bigger presence next year. Thanks to everyone who made signs and supported us along the way. 

But what is Acts of Kindness Days? We’re glad you asked. Sept. 22-24 we are urging everyone in the community to engage in random acts of kindness toward whomever you may encounter. With your help, we hope to spread love, hope and acceptance through positive words and kind actions. Why? Because we believe that kindness and compassion have tremendous power to impact our community, our country and our world.

Kids were urged to use the sidewalk chalk to write their messages on their driveways, sidewalks, at parks on Main Street — a positive message goes a long way. 

We want to see what you come up with! Post your pictures and stories of kindness on our Facebook page and tag us at #NPCANmakeadifference or #NPCANbekind.