Learn about single payer healthcare

One of the goals of NPCAN is to engage the community in conversation on a variety of topics. Our upcoming topic: healthcare. We will host the first of a two-part Community Conversation on healthcare on Sunday, Nov. 5, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in New Prague (1300 Main St. E.).

Dr. Dave Dvorak

This event features an encore presentation by Dr. Dave Dvorak, who also holds a master’s degree in public health. Find out why a growing percentage of doctors support single-payer healthcare. Learn about the skyrocketing increase in administrative costs between 1970-2009. Discover the many barriers to care under our current system: copay and deductibles, narrow networks of providers, and the required authorizations from insurance companies. Learn about the problems of underinsurance: when patients have insurance, but are still unable to access care. Learn the difference between the terms single payer and universal healthcare.

Later this winter NPCAN will host the second part of this Community Conversation featuring a panel on healthcare. Keep checking the website and the NPCAN Facebook page for details. We hope you can join us — and bring a friend or two.