92 pounds of donations!

Peg Wermerskirchen, Ann Huseby, Annette Millette, Loretta Tuma and Leona Weiers.


NPCAN members came out in full force to help out the Peace Center, our local food shelf, this holiday season. NPCAN officers Ann Huseby and Annette Millette recently dropped off 92 pounds of donations collected throughout the community.

Of course long after the holidays have come and gone, the Peace Center will still need donations. Please keep our community in mind throughout the year. 

Here are the items most needed, but anything can help:

• Toiletries: toothbrushes, toothpastes, razors, shampoos, soaps, men’s shaving products, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, body wash

• Laundry soap

• Diapers (particularly size 4 or 5)

• Boxed goods and items such as cake/brownie mix, salad dressing and coffee

• Monetary donations

The Peace Center, which started in 1983, provides essentials for people in our community and helps out about 5,000 people each year. For more information on the Peace Center, click here. Thanks for making a difference.