News: Fake or Fact?

What if Hiter could have reached millions in 30 second ads, and the information didn’t even have to be truthful? That’s much of today’s social media!

The internet is full of grifters, tricksters, and outright liars who rely on people’s basic trust to amplify their message. Know what to look for before you spread their message. Understand the difference between misinformation and disinformation.

Misinformation: Information that is false or misleading, but not created with the intent to cause harm. A person may state something that isn’t true, but they do not know it isn’t true. Disinformation: Information that is intentionally false, and deliberately created to harm and deceive.

Red flags:

  • It looks too good, or too bad, to be true
  • You have a strong emotional reaction
  • You’re going to spend money because of it
  • It looks like ragebait: a post designed to get traffic from people’s anger, hyperpartisan appeals that twist the facts, or outright scams. 
  • Bad actors often twist real events to fit popular narratives, assuming that people will engage more with news they want to believe. Do you immediately want to amplify the story? Watch that it isn’t just confirming your own bias.

Look deeper:

Factcheck websites:

  • Google News now has a factcheck sidebar

Don't pour fuel on the fire if a post is wrong. It will only 
amplify the misinformation. Instead, report any misinformation or disinformation you find.